Category Archives: Disability Freedom

Podcast interviews of people who have learned to Thrive with a Disability We explore how they got thru the abyss of a disability and the lessons they learned on the way.

Disability and healing with Lisa Larges

Lisa Larges a ministerial candidate in the Presbyterian Church and woman who has been blind since birth, talks about her understanding of God and what it means in the Bible to be healed.

Rebecca Anderson: her advice to caregivers

Like so many who receive care Rebecca found that caregivers were often unprepared to assist her. As a psychologist and person who lost her eye sight suddenly she offers several suggestions for caregivers.

Rebecca Anderson: how she and her family adapted to her traumatic vision loss

After losing her eyes and suffering several other injuries in a motor cycle collision. She and her family faced this and other issues. Learn how they came together and overcame them.

Stephanie Goodman, “The Nourishing Guru” talks about her story

Stephanie Goodman of the Nourishing Gurus tells how she came to realize that her diet was disabling her. This led her to change careers and become the Nourishing Guru.

She found help in the book,

Wheat Belly Total Health: The Ultimate Grain-Free Health and Weight-Loss Life Plan
William Davis

She talks about the many benefits of eating a diet better suited for you. When you eat your proper diet you lose with without dieting. Inflammatory conditions like fibromyalgia and other forms of arthritis improve. Even depression can be improved by changing your diet.

She has many resouces and recipe ideas one of which is

Wheat Belly Cookbook: 150 Recipes to Help You Lose the Wheat, Lose the Weight, and Find Your Path Back to Health
William Davis


Wheat Belly Diet For Beginners – Shave Off That Belly, Lose Weight, Lower Blood Pressure And Achieve A Healthy Lifestyle: (Includes Over 60 Wheat Belly Meal Plans Recipes)
Allen Houston

Tips for getting help when blind by Rebecca Anderson

Rebecca talks about how she learned to ask for and respond to offers to help her. She talks about shopping and other common situations you might en;counter